4 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Human Activity Recognition Using the Clustering Approach: A Review

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    Currently, many applications have emerged from the implementation of softwaredevelopment and hardware use, known as the Internet of things. One of the most importantapplication areas of this type of technology is in health care. Various applications arise daily inorder to improve the quality of life and to promote an improvement in the treatments of patients athome that suffer from different pathologies. That is why there has emerged a line of work of greatinterest, focused on the study and analysis of daily life activities, on the use of different data analysistechniques to identify and to help manage this type of patient. This article shows the result of thesystematic review of the literature on the use of the Clustering method, which is one of the mostused techniques in the analysis of unsupervised data applied to activities of daily living, as well asthe description of variables of high importance as a year of publication, type of article, most usedalgorithms, types of dataset used, and metrics implemented. These data will allow the reader tolocate the recent results of the application of this technique to a particular area of knowledg

    Teleagro’s telecommunications architecture - Georeferencing and detection of bovine cattle zeal

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    The efficiency of a productive sector is measured at the regional level by the ability to fully supply the domestic market and generate surpluses that allow it to export, currently Colombia has three free trade agreements that would allow it to export meat, with the United States, the European Union and Canada, however, we are talking about economies with a technician bovine production sector, in some cases with the compensated basket, or subsidized production, with superior infrastructure and an exchange rate in their favor, therefore the technological lag in the department the possibility of accessing international markets would be increasingly remote. This article shows the design of the architecture of applied technology, in a sector of high relevance in Colombia

    Internet of things applied to aquifer monitoring systems: a survey

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    The interaction between the oceanic and continental basins has been of general interest among the scientific community of multiple disciplines, from the physical perspective of how the interaction of fresh and salt waters mutually modulate their hydrodynamic behavior, and how this in turn determines the transport of sediments, nutrients and other tracers, in addition to inducing changes in the morphodynamics of the river and / or coastal-oceanic zone. Due to the importance of technology for the prevention of different environmental phenomena, this article aims to show the systematic review of the literature about different applications that allow software and hardware interaction to support decision making in the sense of aquifers

    Implementation of a wireless system architecture of conductivity temperature and pressure sensors for support the identification of the salt wedge and its impact on safety Maritime in estuary of the Magdalena River - A case study

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    This article aims to show the components of a wireless sensor system to measure temperature, conductivity and pressure at the mouth of the Magdalena River - Colombia. This analysis was carried out jointly with the General Maritime Directorate of Colombia. The measurements will be carried out underwater, with the buoys currently available in the navigable channel, which will work with solar energy and the data will be sent via Bluetooth, Wifi or Ethernet. With the data received by the sensor network, different analyzes will be carried out through the implementation of different data mining techniques, which will support the decision making of government entities. Through the implementation of this architecture, different behaviors found in the estuary will be identified and there will be real-time information that favors maritime safety in the navigable channel